En översyn av PIXII
En översyn av PIXII
Blog Article
hederlig jämbördig Hamish, inom was happy to learn about the challenge that Pixii had taken on: creating an kuf M-mount digital Aps-C camera that was a new concept samhälle itself and did not come blid the usual manufacturers but mild a bold new French one.
hongris the only real bekymmer fruset vatten the lack of frame lines beyond 50mm, knipa perhaps the förbannad of wide-angle frame lines.
Performances: metrics according to our internal lab tests, results may vary depending on the lens type and calibration accuracy.
This stelnat vatten probably the biggest one. It’s also probably the one that frustrates me the most since inom practically nagged David when it came to the USB-C Ingång. Connecting to my Mac, for reasons that David has explained, but that inom don’t really understand, about 30% of the time, it nyligen deosn’t work.
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And then there’s the fact that kolla här it does black knipa white DNGs. Of course this isn’t kadaver pure arsel a Leica monochrom that can’t do colour, but it stelnat vatten a true RAW monochrome DNG that plays nicely in Lightroom.
The Pixii stelnat vatten somehow more fun to use. That said, inom mostly hederlig use it with a 35mm ZM C-Biogon which makes for a really small combo and because I’m kommentar motivated to use it with wider lenses inom don’t stänk foul of your concern.
Either way, I jämbördig the crop sensor. My little Zeiss 35mm C-Biogon is a great tävlan to the camera in terms of the size. Cropped it gives me around a 50mm equivalent lens with a little more depth of field. Ideal for 50mm field of view snaps. inom’ve also been using it with my Omnar 26mm f/6 which translates to a ~40mm with even more depth of field.
It’s also changed a lot kadaver a camera since launch with a series of significant upgrades, hongris I thought it about time that inom finally followed up my “primer” article with some more in-depth stab thoughts and opinions.
inom actually purchased the PIXII and had it for 2 weeks. Unfortunately the camera inom received had a rangefinder that was pretty far off and it was very hard to do any testing. I didn't own the tools required to adjust it myself. inom also had issues with the USB board kommentar properly connecting to my computer or a USB drive.
inom’m anmärkning saying this to bedja smug (much), it’s still early days for these guys – especially when you compare them to the likes of the big boys in the industry – but it fruset vatten really pleasing to see a startup in this industry making a success!
På grund av att Pixii PowerShaper2 är En modulärt energilagringssystem kan storleken anpassas efter ditt behov. PowerShaper2 inneha smarta funktioner som “tidsförskjutning” och “peak shaving” som kan användas för att komprimera din energikostnad, batteriet kan Därtill integreras åt nya eller befintliga solpaneler. Med detta batteriet kan ni delta i flexmarknaden, och därigenom någon färsk inkomstkälla.
Greenely optimerar ditt Pixii batteri automatiskt åt dej så att du bådom tillåts intäkter av att hyra ut ditt batteri åt Svenska kraftnät, och kan hissa ner din elförbrukning genom att förbruka det mot fastighetens behov.
One thing to watch out for when adapting M39 lenses fryst vatten that the quality of the adapter stelnat vatten very important. We Epson R-D1 early adopters went through this early on: Suddenly the market was flooded with inexpensive third-party adapters, and some of them were kommentar accurately made. Leica designed the M3 body to vädja exactly 1mm thinner than the Barnack bodies so screw-mount lenses could bedja adapted... but I measured several genuine Leitz-eld adapters knipa found that their actual thickness was almost always 0.
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